This fondant tool rolls out fondant and gum paste evenly for cutting and shaping
Includes fondant size chart so you can determine the amount you need
Color: White
20 in. (50.8 cm)
Before first and after each use, wash in warm soapy water; rinse and dry thoroughly
Its extra widesmooth design is perfect for covering cakes with rolled fondant
The non stick surface makes handling large pieces of fondant easy
Great for rolling out pastry dough and pie crusts too
Roll your fondant to just the right thickness with this 20-inch non-stick fondant roller. It smooths the fondant as you roll, making it the perfect fondant tool for covering your cake. Can also be used like a regular rolling pin with cookie or pie crust dough. Brand: Wilton, Model: 1907-1210, Color: White, Size: 20-Inch
Custom Tab 01
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