White Cream Makeup

Century Novelty
Out Of Stock


  • Face Paints to Finish the Halloween Clown Costume!
  • Add the final touch to any clown costume by painting your face to match.

  • No clown outfit or circus costume would be complete without some costume makeup, and no carnival would be complete without a face painting booth. Plus, use the solid colors to support your team! Paint your face for any time event like football, basketball, soccer or volleyball games. One ounce of White Creme Makeup. Comes in plastic tube. Water washable. Safe and non toxic. Made in USA. We have the Halloween clown costume makeup that you need, everything to help you add the finishing touches to your perfect Halloween costume. Whether a single color or a variety pack, we have the colors you need to make your costume unforgettable!
    Brand: Century Novelty, Model: 179-115, Color: White

    Custom Tab 01

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