wet n wild Color Icon Lip Liner, Willow, 0.04 Ounce

Wet 'n Wild
Out Of Stock


  • Rich, creamy lip-defining color
  • Glides on smooth to prevent lipstick feathering
  • Makeup artist and celebrity favorite

  • Sunset and line! We don't have a 30 year cult following on these babies for nothing! We smile sheepishly every time we hear compliments for these guys. And let us tell you, we're smiling a lot! This rich, creamy formula glides on silky-smooth and makes sure your lip color doesn't bleed so you'll always have a well-defined pout. Makeup artists love to use this as a lipstick - applying it all over the lips. They last-longer and make sure you're not rocking that early 90s two-toned lip!
    Brand: Wet 'n Wild, Model: 712, Color: Willow, Size: Pack of 1

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