Embelleze Novex Brazilian Keratin Hair Care Treatment Cream - 14.1 Oz | Embelleze Novex Creme de Tratamento Capilar com Queratina Brasileira - 400g

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  • 14oz 400g

  • This intensive treatment mask rebuilds hair and assists in straightening and smoothing your hair with every treatment. Ideal for damaged, heat damaged, chemically damaged, color damaged or bleach damaged hair types. This product is to be used as needed or twice a week. This Novex Brazilian Keratin product uses natural keratin protein to rebuild and strengthen the hair. The formula closes the cuticle and makes your hair shiny and smooth with every use. The keratin in this product is ethically sourced, not from animals. Apply this product after shampooing in place of your daily conditioner. Comb through if desired and leave in for 10 minutes. Rinse hair thoroughly. This product will repair your hair semi permanently and rebuild hair with each additional use. Get unmatched body and shine with the Novex Brazilian Keratin Line. These products are highly effective for smoothing kinky, curly, natural and difficult to manage hair types. Add this to your normal beauty regimen and feel the difference in your hair instantly. Novex is made to the highest standards with the best natural keratin available.
    Brand: Novex, Size: 14 oz

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