Walnut Hollow InGrained Art with Bark Edge, Double Trouble-Pheasants

Walnut Hollow
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  • This beautiful wall décor is the perfect accent to any home!
  • Wood surfaces are enhanced with high-resolution imagery
  • Distinctive, natural bark edging
  • Ready-to-use hanger mounted on back
  • Made in America
  • Featuring "Double Trouble-Pheasants" by Greg Messier
  • Short bio of the artist on the reverse side
  • Made in the United States

  • Walnut Hollow is proud to present InGrained Art, a line of beautiful wall décor. InGrained Art uses a revolutionary process that allows Walnut Hollow wood surfaces to be enhanced with high-resolution imagery. This process allows all of the natural grain and texture of the wood to show through while maintaining the quality, detail and resolution of the original image. InGrained Art offers a unique way to display artwork and trendy designs in your home. Since no two pieces of wood are the same, every piece can be counted on to be special and cherished for years to come. This artwork is presented by some of today's best-known wildlife artists. A permanent hanger is placed on the reverse side. This product is made in the United States.
    Brand: Walnut Hollow, Model: 38882

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