Deco Art Traditions Acrylics 3oz-Medium Red Rose

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  • Deco Art - Deco Art Traditions Acrylics 3 Oz-Medium Red Rose
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Arts And Crafts Paints
  • Ship to US only
  • CODE: 766218044044

  • These high quality, mixable acrylic colors have not changed a bit. Sold in a 3oz bottle, they are a resin-based acrylic that can perform as an acrylic, watercolor or oil paint! These matte acrylic paints maintain the same excellent light-fastness for all decorative art applications. Use with the Deco Art Traditions Mediums for many techniques including wet blending, multi-layering, watercolor, dry brushing and more. This state-of-the art line is ideal for a wide variety of surfaces including canvas, wood, walls, ceramic bisque, paper, metal and leather. Cleans up easily with soap and water. Easy flow bottle, easy blendability, great brushability, lightfast, safe, pure pigments. DecoArt Traditions are the ideal acrylic paints for advanced decorative artists. This line of fine acrylic paints consists of more than 50 beautiful, blendable colors using the most current resin acrylic polymer technology. DecoArt Traditions is considered by many to be the ultimate acrylic paint capable of reproducing traditional techniques of the old masters as well as the new current styles, techniques and designs. The DecoArt acrylic colors utilize the highest quality, lightfast, safe, pure pigments available today.
    Brand: DecoArt, Model: DAT-05

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