November 2016 Upgrade: No more hair entanglement Heavier base. Pure luxury high end shaving brush
Best grade of badger hair for high water retention and a 100% "pure raw manliness" sensation
Heavy weight obsidian black acrylic handle with Swedish alloy base
To see Vikings Blade quality, check out reviews from our other well established products
As a testament that this brush is made from REAL quality badger hair, there will be an expected break-in period when the brush sheds some bristles, and releases a light badger aroma. Be proud about it, Vikings!
To continue our family tradition of making high end shaving products at an affordable price, here is another brand new release from Vikings Blade: the traditional badger shaving brush. Since this is a new release with no reviews, you are backed by our 90 day money back guarantee. Alternatively, please check out reviews from other Vikings Blade products to see what others are saying about us. Brand: Vikings Blade, Color: Dark Stallion
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