Vestil FE-5-54 Steel Fork Extensions, Accommodates 5" Fork Width, 54" Length, 2" Thickness

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  • Provides the needed extra length when standard forks can't reach product
  • All steel construction provides long lasting reliable use
  • Each extension includes warning and operating stickers for worker safety
  • Powder coat safety yellow finish offers lasting durability

  • The Vestil FE-5-54 steel fork extensions are a pair of fork extensions that are made of steel, have a powder-coated finish and retaining straps, and can slide onto the forks of a forklift truck to lift oversize objects. The fork extensions are made of steel, which is resistant to wear and corrosion. The yellow powder-coated finish resists scratches, chipping, fading, and other wear. Each fork extension has a retaining strap to prevent it from sliding off the fork during use. Together, the fork extensions have a load capacity of 4,000 lb. and weigh 126 lb. Each fork extension measures 2-5/16 x 5-1/2 x 54 inches (H x W x D) and can be used with a fork that measures 2 x 5 inches (H x W) and is at least 36 inches long. (H is height, the vertical distance from lowest to highest point; W is width, the horizontal distance from left to right; D is depth, the horizontal distance from front to back.) This product is intended for use in professional and industrial environments.

    Forklift trucks, also known as fork trucks and lift trucks, are powered trucks used to lift and move heavy loads. They typically include a battery-powered electric motor, a cab for the operator, wheels, and a pair of forks mounted to a carriage that moves up and down to transport materials. The carriage can also often be fitted with attachments such as coil rams and carpet poles. Forklift trucks can be used in warehouses, on construction sites, and at manufacturing and other industrial facilities.

    Vestil manufactures materials handling equipment, including hoists and trolleys, jib and gantry cranes, loading dock equipment, and storage solutions. The company, founded in 1968, is headquartered in Angola, IN.

    Brand: Vestil, Model: FE-5-54

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