RONSTAN RF6730 Alloy Sheave Roller Bearing Snatch Block, 7050 Lbs Load Capacity, 1-3/4" Sheave

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  • For fibrous rope from 7/16" to 7/8"
  • Easily operated latch mechanism
  • Soft resilient cheeks reduce clatter and protect gelcoat and painted surfaces
  • Attachment point provided for a shock cord hanger
  • Blocks with trunnion shackles allow additional articulation from side to side

  • For fibrous rope from 7/16" to 7/8". Easily operated latch mechanism. Soft resilient cheeks reduce clatter and protect gelcoat and painted surfaces. Attachment point provided for a shock cord hanger. Blocks with trunnion shackles allow additional articulation from side to side. Snatch blocks are a tough and reliable solution for temporary leads and line deflection. Simple and quick to deploy, they can be easily opened when the load is released. The standard snap shackle head allows the block to swivel through 360 degree. Soft resilient cheeks reduce clatter and protect gelcoat and painted surfaces. Attachment point provided for shock cord hanger. 3530 lbs maximum working load. 7050 lbs breaking load. 1-3/4" sheave diameter. 5/8" maximum rope.
    Brand: Ronstan, Model: RF6730

    Custom Tab 01

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