Contains powerful caffeine compounds which have been shown to reduce hair loss, stimulate hair growth and block effects of testosterone within the skin
Most effective topically available shampoo formula for men and women
Hair Surge contains 0.2% Ketoconazole.
Ultrax Labs Hair Surge contains caffeinated compounds integrated with essential oils and ketoconazole for unrivaled results. Supported by years of study and customer feedback this highly concentrated formula is finally available for all. Most hair growth shampoo's just take a standard shampoo and add a couple hair supporting ingredients, resulting in those ingredients washing out before they can take affect. Hair Surge shampoo has been meticulously formulated to work as a complete delivery system, delivering the right ingredients to your hair follicles and making sure they stay there. Benefits • Effective hair recovery formula • Easy to use • 100% satisfaction guarantee • Made in the USA • Helps give you hair that you can be proud of Active Ingredients • Caffeine - Studies have shown that when applied transdermally, this powerful ingredient can help extend the life cycle of hair follicles and encourage healthy hair. • Ketoconazole - This powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal ingredient is commonly seen in prescription strength dandruff shampoo's. What wasn't realized until recently is just how powerful this ingredient can be for people with thinning hair. While the exact mechanisms in how it works aren't know, there are ongoing studies that are attempting to pinpoint exactly whats makes ketokanazole so potent. Hair Surge contains 0.2% Ketoconazole. • Saw Palmetto - Clinical trials have shown that Saw Palmetto may block an enzyme, 5-alpha-reductase, which facilitates the change of testosterone into DHT. DHT is considered a major cause for both male and female pattern baldness. Brand: Ultrax Labs, Model: UL-HS1
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