UltraBake Parchment Paper Sheets - 15 × 21

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  • Parchment paper is perfect for non-stick baking and cooking and ensures easy cleanup. Use it to...
  • Pack of 100 precut sheets
  • Size: 15 × 21
  • Dimensions: 21"L × 15"W

  • Parchment paper is perfect for non-stick baking and cooking and ensures easy cleanup. Use it to line cookie sheets and cake pans to prevent sticking (wet the paper to easily mould it to the shape of the baking pan). Simplify cookie baking by preparing cookies on a piece of parchment paper, then slide the parchment paper onto a cookie sheet for baking and slide the parchment paper onto a cooling rack for cooling. Great for use in microwave ovens and for preparing foods "en papillote" (baked in parchment). Parchment paper also makes for easy separation of frozen foods (for example, stacks of hamburger patties) or line pans with parchment paper for easy removal of frozen desserts from the pan. Parchment paper can also be used to form piping bags and to create a tall collar when preparing a souffle. Suitable for use in conventional ovens up to 450°F/230C and in the microwave; not intended for use on barbeques or on open flame. Reusable (approx. 4 - 6 uses); the paper may brown around the edges with repeated use, but it is still fine to use. 100% biodegradable and compostable. Pack of 100 precut sheets Size: 15 × 21 Dimensions: 21"L × 15"W Materials: Silicone coated vegetable parchment (100% pure cellulose fibre) Product of Canada Kosher pareve (not repackaged under kashrut supervision) NOTE: Parchment paper sheets are rolled for shipping and storage; lay flat to unfurl.
    Brand: UltraBake, Color: White, Size: 15 × 21

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