Tripp Lite IS500 Isolation Transformer 500W Surge 120V 4 Outlet 6 feet Cord TAA GSA

Tripp Lite
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  • 500 watts,

  • Tripp Lite Isolator series isolation transformer-based power conditioners offer complete line isolation, continuous noise filtering and enhanced normal and common mode surge suppression. Internal low-impedance isolation transformer component with Faraday Shield offers 100% isolation from the input AC line. Secondary neutral to ground bonding eliminates common mode noise, providing an isolated ground reference for sensitive equipment and an inexpensive alternative to the installation of dedicated circuits and site electrical upgrades. Removes EMI/RFI noise, utility switching transients, background spikes generated by other on-site loads and utility or lightning related surge conditions. Additional surge suppression components placed at both the line input and transformer output combined with full line isolation offers continuous line filtering of a full range of power line noise in all modes. Continuous transformer filtering with no wearable parts uniquely reduces surges in the worst of power environments to harmless levels. Reduces 6000V IEEE C62.41 Cat A&B ring wave and combination wave test surges to only 0.5V common mode. Model IS500 offers 500 watts capacity with 4 widely spaced output receptacles, a 6-ft power cord, circuit breaker overload protection and lighted power switch. Rugged all-metal unit housing ships ready for upright tower or wallmount placement in industrial, medical, office or network environment.Package Includes: IS500 Isolation transformer system Instruction manual with warranty information
    Brand: Tripp Lite, Model: IS-500

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