Oyaide Neo d Series Class B USB Cable 1M

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  • 24K gold plated bronze alloy terminalsInnovative flat cable design helps prevent signal lossIncreases stability in both mobile and studio USB audio systemsMade from select high-quality materialsUSB 2.0 high speed compliant

  • Neo d Series Class B USB Cable 1M. Oyaide Electric is a Japanese based company that takes pride in manufacturing high-quality cables and components. The Oyaide d USB Cable series are high-quality USB cables geared for computer based music production and digital DJ systems. Now with the increasing number of DJs that are performing live with their laptops and digital DJ systems like SCRATCH and TRAKTOR, this is the perfect time to address stability in these systems. One major factor is the link between computer and interface. Poor-quality cables can cause fatal trouble such as sound interruption or completely fail altogether. Oyaide cables provide the reliability you need when performing live or working in the studio. The d USB cable series was designed to provide DJs and artists with high-quality sound by delivering clean, safe, and fast data transfers. The unique flat cable design prevents the signal loss caused by cable bend, change of impedance and electrostatic capacitance, while the carefully adjusted impedance matching and improved connection contacts help provide a smooth and lossless data transmission.
    Brand: Oyaide, Model: NEOUSBB1M

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