Tripp Lite 10 Outlet Eco-Surge Protector Tel/Modem/Coax/Ethernet 8ft Swivel Cord 6480 Joules (AV10IRG)

Tripp Lite
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  • Robust Audio/Video AC surge suppressor to protect your home theater system or other valuable electronics from a voltage spike and more
  • GREEN (auto) mode switches off AC power to unused devices to prevent phantom loads from wasting energy and in turn saves you money
  • 3-lines of surge-protected, high definition 2.2 GHz gold coaxial connectors to safeguard devices on cable, satellite and antenna lines. Built to protect your television
  • 1-line for telephone/modem/Ethernet (100BaseT, high-speed) surge protection to safeguard phones, fax machines, networks and routers on a single dial-up or Ethernet line
  • 6,480 joule surge suppression rating with EMI/RFI line noise filtering to help components perform at their peak (i.e. sharper, crisper video; deeper, fuller audio and longer component life spans)
  • Keyhole mounting tabs for installation in a wide variety of applications and a convenient swivel cord for simplified setup
  • Lifetime Warranty and $250,000 Ultimate Lifetime Insurance for connected devices

  • Tripp Lite's AV10IRG offers reliable, GREEN surge technology that protects your A/V installations, the environment and your wallet. Energy-saving outlet configuration reduces energy waste (phantom loads) by cutting AC power to unused peripherals. The AV10IRG offers 6480 joules of advanced surge protection for all A/V components. You can see and hear the difference: sharper, crisper video; deeper, fuller audio; longer component life spans. Perfect for medium-to-large home/business theater installations: high definition TVs, satellite A/V receivers, DVD/CD players, DVR/TiVo recorders and more. 10 outlets, 3-Line 2.2 GHz digital gold coaxial protection and 1-Line tel/network protection safeguard an entire home theater system. The AV10IRG offers a sleek contemporary design, with LCD screen, fits into any A/V installation. IR receiver on the front of the surge, receives the signal from any IR remote to power on components plugged into the GREEN "Power Save" outlets. Includes three diagnostic LEDS and 4 status LED indicators. 8-Feet swivel cord, 6-Feet coaxial cable and 6-Feet network cable. $250,000 Ultimate Lifetime Insurance coverage (USA and Canada only)
    Brand: Tripp Lite, Model: AV10IRG

    Custom Tab 01

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