Travelon Anti-Theft Classic Messenger Bag, Black, One Size

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Brand Travelon
Model 42242-Black-One Size
Color Black
Size One Size

  • Material: 900 D. Polyester
  • Roomy main compartment with pockets for organization
  • Strap Length: 25 - 48, Strap Drop Length: 16 - 27
  • Zippered organizer with card slots, wall pocket, pen loop and removable LED light and RFID blocking card and passport slots
  • Compartments lock with lobster claw clasps, Adjustable cable-reinforced cut-proof shoulder strap

  • Protect your belongings from pickpockets and slash-and-grab thieves with the Anti-theft Travel Bag from Travelon. Featuring hidden, slash-proof, Chain Link construction and an adjustable, cable-reinforced, cut-proof shoulder strap. The roomy main compartment features a locking zipper and pockets for organization. The rear organizer includes slots for credit cards, and pockets for travel documents. The zippered expansion pocket holds a camera, water bottle, or sunglasses. For more than 35 years, Travelon has been making travel easier and safer with products that provide protection, peace-of-mind, safety, security and organization. Travelon's Anti-Theft Cross body and travel bags protect from pickpockets and thieves and are customer top rated. Classic silhouettes in soft fabrics provide great function and fashion.

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