Lewis N. Clark TSA-Approved 3-Dial Combination Lock With 48in Steel Cable, Grey, One Size

Lewis N. Clark
In Stock


Brand Lewis N. Clark
Model TSA83
Color Grey
Size One Size

  • TSA-APPROVED - Allows TSA agents to open luggage without damaging it
  • STURDY CONSTRUCTION - Cast zinc construction ensures long-lasting durability
  • STEEL CABLE - 48in flexible, coated steel cable offers additional security
  • MULTIPLE WAYS TO SECURE BELONGINGS - Locks bags to fixed objects or locks multiple bags together
  • EASY TO SET - Resettable 3-dial combination allows you to go keys-free

  • Travel Sentry Approved locks are designed specifically to keep your belongings secure while still allowing the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to open your luggage at the airport without destroying the lock during their screenings.

    However, what makes this lock different from other Travel Sentry-approved locks is its double security. With this lock, you can secure your bags to fixed objects or secure multiple bags together.

    For example, the 48in coated steel cable can be looped through the top handle of your luggage or bag to attach to a piece of existing furniture, such as a pole on a train or ferry, chair at an airport, desk at a hotel room, and much more. You can also use it to secure one bag to another, such as a backpack to a rolling suitcase, or even a purse to a beach pole.

    As a lightweight and compact solution, this lock will provide you peace of mind knowing that thieves cannot easily steal your belongings whether you're going on a vacation, business trip, or backpacking adventure.

    Custom Tab 01

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