Toy Doll Caboose Tandem Stroller - Blue Dot

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Brand Joovy
Model 043
Color Blue
Size 6.2 x 13.8 x 26.5

  • Deluxe doll stroller is just like the real thing has doll car seat carrier system and snack tray
  • Swivel front wheel are easier to steer, more fun and realistic.
  • Two-Position front seat with fully adjustable 5-point harness, two position footrest and deluxe padded handles for extra comfort
  • Rear platform and seat to accommodate two dolls or stuffed toys, removable canopy, two position footrest, and storage basket.

  • Kids love this attractive, high-quality toy replica of the popular caboose stand-on tandem stroller. And what's not to love the clever design features of the toy caboose allow your child to secure and transport two or three cherished toy friends at once, for hours of role-playing fun. And with our toy car seat adapter attachment system the toy caboose is fully compatible with the toy car seat – just like the real thing. The toy caboose tandem stroller sets the highest standard for toys, designed with realistic features to maximize role-playing fun.

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