Freeze water, fruit juice, soft drinks, chocolate or even jelly
Create the ultimate chilled drink
Great for parties
Set comes with molds for 4 glasses and a serving tray
What could be cooler than serving shots in a glass made from ice. Freeze water, fruit juice, soft drinks, chocolate or even jelly into a shot glass then fill with the spirit of your choice for the ultimate chilled drink. Combinations that we'd recommend include a frozen orange juice glass with vodka in, frozen cola with bourbon, melted chocolate poured into the mold and then frozen and filled with Baileys, or frozen tonic with a twist of lemon juice with gin. The possibilities are endless. And if you want to do Russian toasts, where you down a shot of vodka, then toss the glass in the fireplace, ice shot glasses are perfect, as there's no broken glass or need to buy new shot glasses for next time. Each set comes with molds for 4 ice glasses and a serving tray. Brand: THUMBS UP, Model: ICESHOTGLASS, Color: Blue
Custom Tab 01
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