Built-in alarm to notify user of unstable or abnormal power supply activity.
Easy to use troubleshooting system will quickly identify if power supply is the source of instability.
Dr. Power II is a fully automated diagnostic tool that allows full testing of the power supply and the output voltages of all of the rails and connectors to assist with diagnosis and troubleshooting of stability or non-posting issues due to faulty or unstable power supply. Support all ATX power supplies and all applicable connectors (Main 24Pin, Aux 4/8pin, Molex, 6/8Pin PCI-E, SATA) to ensure the whole power supply is running within specification. Large OCD readout shows all voltages actively within 1/10th of a volt and allows for easy diagnosis of trouble connectors or power supply units. Alarm system will notify user of abnormal behavior by the power supply to assist with easier troubleshooting of stability problems. Brand: Thermaltake, Model: AC0015, Color: Original Version
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