The Wizard of Oz Munchkins FLOWER POT LADY - 50th Anniversary (1988 Multi Toys)

The Wizard of Oz Munchkins 50th Anniversary
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  • The Wizard of Oz Munchkins 50th Anniversary Flower Pot Lady is a 1988 Multi Toys Corp production.
  • Includes: 6-3/4" Flower Pot Lady Munchkin w/brown hair & blue eyes; wears Dress, Hat & comes w/Shoes. See more details & information below in Product Description.
  • This is 50th Anniversary MUNCHKIN Doll by Multi Toys; there are 6 in the Series: Mayor Munchkin, Lollipop Kid Munchkin, Flower Pot Lady Munchkin, Winged Monkey Munchkin, Ballerina Munchkin & Soldier Munchkin Doll - Each Doll Sold Separately.
  • WARNING: Choking Hazard/Small Parts. For Ages 4 Years.
  • See more details below in Product Description. Great for any collection, as a gift or just for fun play!

  • The Wizard of Oz Munchkins 50th Anniversary Flower Pot Lady is a 1988 Multi Toys Corp production. Model #8876. Included in the box is the Flower Pot Lady Munchkin that's approx. 6-3/4" tall with short brown hair & blue eyes. Lady Doll wears a Dress that has a lavender top with green collar; on the long sleeves, just past the elbows is white fabric & the Skirt is green with white lace & red fabric at the bottom & there's a white apron attached in the front at the waist. On her head, the Flower Pot Lady Doll wears a green Hat with white lace trim & a white elastic that fits under the neck & she comes with red Shoes. All the provided information is to the best of my ability & may not be exact; colors, styles, sizes & information may vary. There were 6 of The Wizard of Oz Munchkins produced for the Movie's 50th Anniversary by Multi Toys Corp, & there were 6 larger Dolls produced; each doll is sold separately, if available. 6 Munchkins are: Mayor, Lollipop Kid, Ballerina, Flower Pot Lady, Soldier & Winged Monkey. The Larger Dolls are: Dorothy, Glinda, Wicked Witch, Lion, Tin Man & Straw Man; each doll is sold separately, if available. WARNING: Choking Hazard/Small Parts. For Ages 4 Years. The Wizard of Oz Munchkins 50th Anniversary Flower Pot Lady, a 1988 Multi Toys Corp production, is great for any collection, as a gift or just for fun play! Please check in CONDITION NOTE for the Box Condition.
    Brand: The Wizard of Oz Munchkins 50th Anniversary, Model: 8876

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