Developed by team of dentists, The Doctor's NightGuard helps prevent the damage from nighttime teeth grinding.
A moldable, custom fit dental protector that helps prevent damage from teeth grinding.
Patented two-layer design includes a soft top layer to cushion and absorb and a firm bottom layer to prevent grinding.The life of your dental protector will vary based on the force of your teeth grinding. It should last approximately six (6) months.
Custom, guaranteed fit- The patented slanted front provides more comfort by keeping material away from lips and gums
Slim and flexible design that helps you sleep comfortably
Protecting your teeth from the damaging effects of teeth grinding is easy with the Doctor's night guard, a dental protector for nighttime teeth grinding. The Doctor's night guard was designed by a team of dentists who saw the damage that teeth grinding could do. Over 1,200 prototypes were developed to ultimately select the top-performing advanced comfort design. This premium comfort design is patented and only available from the Doctor's. Brand: Doctor's, Model: 42037799229, Size: Pack of 1
Custom Tab 01
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