Eliminate unsightly razor bumps, ingrown hairs, and redness from shaving, waxing and electrolysis with Tend Skin.
This trusted skin care solution is specially formulated to reduce ingrown hairs after shaving or waxing, as well as prevent razor bumps and razor burn for smooth, irritation-free skin.
Ideal for men and women, the shaving care line features the liquid ingrown hair treatment in a variety of sizes.
There are no limits on use, and no preparations before use. You can now use your preferred method of hair removal.
Tend Skin Liquid was developed with No Animal Testing!
The solution for any cosmetic problem related to hair removal. Men can use it on their face, neck and back of the head while women find it useful on legs, bikini line, underarms and anywhere else hair removal causes razor bumps. Use in conjunction with shaving, waxing, electrolysis or epilating. Caution if you have an allergy to aspirin (hives, itching) do not use this product. Brand: Tend Skin, Model: TS16, Size: 1 Pound
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