TeamFar Stainless Steel Toaster Oven Tray Pan Ovenware Professional, 12.5''x10'x1'', Non Toxic & Healthy, Rust Free & Mirror Finish, Easy Clean & Dishwasher Safe

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  • HEALTHY - TeamFar toaster oven pan is made of high quality 430 18/0 stainless steel, Rust resistant and non toxic, No more coating chips or aluminum into your food
  • HEAVY DUTY - Thick gauge with solid construction make this toaster oven tray feel sturdy in hands, Premium material and build make this tray durable for many years
  • CRAFTED - Superior mirror finish surface help decrease the risk of sticking to food, Smooth edges no rough spot, Deep rim with roll edge increase capacity of storing food
  • KEEP CLEAN - Full sides all around prevent food liquid flowing everywhere to keep your oven neat, Easy clean up even in hand wash and dishwasher safe
  • VERSATILE - Edge to edge 12.5'' x 10'' x 1'', Great for cinnamon rolls, sticky buns, brownies, corn bread and fruit cobblers and etc. Help you to get rid of toxic aluminum and enjoy a healthier life

  • TeamFar Stainless Steel Toaster Oven Tray Pan Ovenware Professional, is made of high quality 430 18/0 stainless steel without any coating or other materials. It's healthy for your daily use and help you to get rid of toxic aluminum products. No more toxic substance into your food unconsciously. SPECIFICATION Material: Pure 18/0 stainless steel Craft: Superior mirror finish surface, Smooth roll edges, Deep rim Features: Non toxic, Heavy duty, Easy Clean, Dishwasher safe Dimension: 12.5-inch by 10-inch by 1-inch ADVANTAGE HEALTHY - Pure stainless steel without any coating or other materials CRAFE - Superior mirror polish surface both sides, Smooth rolled edge no rough spot HEAVY DUTY - Thick gauge with solid construction, Proper weight to work with EASY CLEAN - Less sticking surface to bake evenly, Easy clean and Dishwasher safe MULTI USAGE - Used as toaster oven pan, serving tray, small baking sheet, etc USING INSTRUCTION 1. Please wash the toaster oven tray with warm soap water before first using 2. Please clean the toaster oven tray after using for your healthy daily use. 3. Please dry thoroughly before storing and stored in dry place for its durability. 4. Please use soft cleaning rag to clean the tray for the beauty of its surface. Thank you for taking TeamFar as part of your family. We guarantee that all the description and specification are 100% to the reality of product. We're working harder to offer more good items. We are Team, we go far, we are TeamFar.
    Brand: TeamFar, Color: Silver, Size: 12'' x 10'' x 1''

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