TeamFar Stainless Steel Compact Toaster Oven Pan Tray Ovenware Professional, 8''x10''x1'', Heavy Duty & Healthy, Deep Edge, Superior Mirror Finish, Dishwasher Safe

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  • HEALTHY - Made of high grade material 430 pure stainless steel, NO any other material
  • SAFETY - NO toxic coating, NO more coating chips fall into your food unconsciously
  • HEAVY DUTY - Feel sturdy when holding in hand, not easily warp and long service life
  • WORKMANSHIP - Smooth roll edge, No rough spot, Superior mirror finished surface, Easy-clean
  • KEEP CLEAN - Deep full sides all around keep food contained and prevent liquid from flowing everywhere

  • TeamFar Healthy Heavy Duty Toaster Oven Pan, is made of pure 18/0 stainless steel, natural metal color and no coating surface, bring you a more healthy cooking experience. This pan is the perfect size for smaller servings. The compact size fits most toaster ovens. Easy storage and versatility. Cook your favorite meals or cookies. The superior mirror finish for easy and effortless cleanup. Dishwasher Safe. Dimension: 10.5'' x 8'' x 1'' Fit most toaster ovens. WHY YOU CHOSE STAINLESS STEEL OVEN PAN 1. Stainless steel is more healthy and non-toxic than aluminum 2. Stainless steel is dishwasher-safe, but aluminum not 3. Stainless steel is more easily clean-up even hand-wash 4. Stainless steel, food cook more evenly, less stick WHY YOU CHOSE TeamFar TOASTER OVEN PAN 1. Our oven pans are made of pure 430 18/0 stainless steel without any other materials, MORE HEALTHY 2. Our oven pans are dishwasher-safe, and super-easy clean-up even hand-wash, EASY CLEAN 3. Our oven pans are little stick to food, but recommend to use non-stick spray or oil, SUPERIOR FINISH 4. Our oven pans cook food evenly, the full sides all around keep you oven clean, MULTI - USAGE Notice: 1. Please use soft cleaning rag to clean the sheets for the beauty of its surface. 2. Please clean and dry the baking sheet after using for its durability. Thank you for taking TeamFar as part of your family. We guarantee that all the description and specification are 100% to the reality of product. We're working harder to offer more good items. We are Team, we go far, we are TeamFar.
    Brand: TeamFar, Model: SYNCHKG129574, Color: Metal Silver, Size: 8''x10''x1''

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