Yolk Hero egg separator suctions the yolk out of the egg white in one simple squeeze
Faster and easier than traditional separators; made from FDA approved silicone
Squeeze to activate suction and zap up the yolk; squeeze again to release the yolk
A mess-free way to separate egg whites and yolks; Yolk Hero holds up to 3 yolks at one time
Measures 3.3-Inch in height and 2.5-Inch at widest point; dishwasher safe
Egg whites everywhere, beware. The Mighty Yolk Hero Egg Separator by Talisman Designs provides a fun, mess-free way to separate and rescue egg yolks from egg whites. The Yolk Hero suctions the yolk straight out of the egg white with no mess or breakage; a much easier and faster process than traditional egg separators. Whether it's for separating eggs to cut down cholesterol, or to make that wonderful hollandaise sauce, the Yolk Hero has many uses. To use, simply squeeze to activate suction and watch as the yolk is sucked up and saved from the egg white. Squeeze the Yolk Hero again to release the yolk. Made from FDA approved silicone, the Yolk Hero can retrieve one egg yolk at a time and hold up to 3 yolks at once. Measures 3.3-Inch in height and 2.5-Inch in width. Dishwasher safe. Brand: Talisman Designs, Model: 3600, Color: Red, Size: -
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