Mix of gel pen paper, tracing paper, and drawing paper
Gel pen paper in red, black, lilac, and blue
Designed for artists 5 and up
9"x12" Tape Bound
80 Sheets per Pad
The Strathmore 100 Series Youth Imagination Pack contains 20 sheets of cool colors for gel pens and craft projects, 10 sheets of tracing paper, and 50 sheets of drawing paper. The possibilities are endless with Strathmore 100 Series Youth Imagination Pack. Gel paper comes in four colors: red, black, lilac, and blue. Paper is our art form, and we celebrate artists. We have kept the tradition of creating beautiful, high-performing papers alive for over 125 years. Choice of paper is one of the most important decisions an artist makes in determining the outcome of their work. No matter your choice of medium, you can be confident Strathmore paper will enhance your artistic efforts. Brand: Strathmore, Model: 27-608, Size: 9"x12" Tape Bound
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