Stockmar Beeswax Block Crayons - 8 Standard Colours in a Tin

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  • Made from the same high-quality beeswax as Stockmars crayons
  • Wonderfully chunky wax blocks are perfect for those who like to color outside the box
  • The block shape allows for different coloring possibilities, and also avoids the mess of a wrapper
  • Set comes in a handy reusable tin

  • Stockmar crayons are made of non-toxic and sweet smelling beeswax. Long lasting and brilliant in color, they are a favorite for parents, children and schools. This set of eight block crayons presents endless artistic possibilities. Place the crayon on one side and draw endless skies with a single swoop. Use the edge to print letters and numbers. Stockmar wax crayons meet the highest artistic standards. Through the addition of pure beeswax as a binding agent, the light-resistant pigments display their purity and full brilliance. Because they are mixed with wax, the colors are able to be used in a wide range of interesting coloring techniques - more than any other coloring material. The natural transparency of the wax and the lack of additives result in a high degree of opacity like that of watercolors. Luxurious set includes one block crayon in each of the following colors: 01 carmine red, 03 orange, 05 lemon yellow, 07 green, 09 blue, 11 blue violet, 13 red brown, 15 black. Made in Germany.
    Brand: Stockmar, Model: 204884258, Color: 8 colors, standard assortment, Size: 8

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