Stork Babies Miguel Blue Doll

Stork Babies
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  • Stork Babies are a modern take on a vintage doll, They are beautifully designed, handcrafted matchbox dolls
  • Multi-cultural collections are made annually with previous collections being retired yearly, Start collecting yours today
  • All dolls come with unique names, place of origin and inspirational sayings
  • This lightweight 3 inch doll is fun to carry around in your pocket, So small and mini, they can be taken everywhere
  • These are dolls with a cause - as Stork Babies help support Plan USA and Plan Canada - "Because I am A Girl" foundation

  • Stork Babies (created by The Fiammetta Toy Company Inc.) are exquisitely designed, beautifully colored mini-bean bag dolls. A different International collection is made annually with the Spanish Collection currently being offered. All dolls come with unique names, place of origin and their own unique inspiring sayings for children such as, "Believe in your dreams - you can ACHIEVE ANYTHING!". Creating dolls from other countries, not only helps children understand geography, but helps them appreciate the wonderful cultures of the world! Furniture is now available for the dolls. When you purchase Stork Babies you are also helping little ones in third-world countries get educated and nourished as a percentage of profits go to Plan USA and Plan Canada.
    Brand: Stork Babies, Model: 030883, Size: 3 inches

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