Stockmar Natural Modeling Beeswax - Set of 15 Colors in Box

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  • This ideal modeling material can be used to make little sculptures, and then be REUSED again and again.
  • The wax softens in the warmth of your hands & provides perfectly clean handling.
  • Colors will not bleed, smudge, crumble or stain; Wax has a pleasant, natural beeswax scent.
  • The experience of modeling stimulates creativity and invention.
  • The 15 different colors included are selected based on Goethe's "Theory of Colors."

  • Experiencing art through all the senses - this is what children achieve with Stockmar Modeling Beeswax. With its wonderful aroma and perfectly clean handling, it is an ideal modeling material for forming small sculptures and bas reliefs.Scent, colour and consistency work together when moulding. The warmth of the hands softens the wax and makes it malleable and when the wax hardens, the luminosity and fine brilliance remain. One may also dip the beeswax into a bowl of hot water to soften it and make it easier to mix colors in a beautiful way. The little works of art maintain their beauty and charm and later can be reshaped again and again. Start with simple shapes and animals using one color at a time. Figures can become more complicated with experience. The joy of beeswax is that it uses the child's warmth to become usable and it can be warmed and reused indefinitely. The high pedagogical and artistic quality makes Stockmar Modelling Beeswax unique and unmatched. It doesn't smudge, crumble or bleed, and its color is pure and bright because of its high transparency.This set of Stockmar Beeswax in 15 assorted colors is packed in a colorful box.Wonderful fun for everyday art; great for a unique gift to encourage and inspire children to use their hands and their imaginations! Stockmar Natural Modeling Beeswax Set comes in 15 Bars each measuring 100 x 40 x 6 mm (3.94 x 1.57 x 0.24 inches). The 15 assorted luminous Colors (based on Goethe's "Theory of Colors") are: 00 ivory ¦ 01 carmine red ¦ 02 vermilion ¦ 03 orange ¦ 04 gold yellow ¦ 05 lemon yellow ¦ 06 yellow green ¦ 07 green ¦ 09 blue ¦ 10 ultramarine ¦ 12 purple ¦ 13 rust ¦ 15 black ¦ 24 pink ¦ 27 natural beeswax color. Made in Germany. Not suitable for children under 3 years. Small parts might be swallowed.
    Brand: Stockmar, Model: 85051600, Color: 15 assorted colors, Size: set of 15

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