ST4200MINI2 4 Port USB Hub – 4 x USB 2.0 port – Bus Powered – USB Adapter – USB Splitter – Multi Port USB Hub – USB 2.0 Hub

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  • Add four USB 2.0 ports to your laptop or desktop computer using this cost-effective and compact USB hub
  • 4 Port Portable USB 2.0 Hub with built-in cable and lightweight housing with small-footprint design for travel or desktop placement
  • Four USB 2.0 ports (up to 480Mbps throughput) with extra port spacing for larger USB connectors
  • USB bus-powered and features a built-in cable so you can carry the hub with you anywhere
  • Universal multi-platform compatible with fast easy installation and native support in most operating systems (Windows, Mac, Chrome OS, Linux) / 4 Port USB Hub with Built-in Cable / 4 Port USB Hub / Bus-Powered Mini USB Hub / 4 Port Portable USB 2.0 Hub / USB Adapter Hub / USB Multiport Hub / Compact Mini USB Hub / Multi Port USB Hub / Plug-and-Play Hub /

  • Here's a simple and cost-effective way to expand your computer's connectivity by adding extra USB ports. This 4-port USB hub turns a single USB connection into four connections and features a compact, USB-powered design that makes it perfect for travel. The hub also features a small-footprint housing, which means it takes up less desk space.

    Add USB ports, virtually anywhere you go

    With its compact and lightweight design, this 4-port USB hub is tailored for mobility. You can easily tuck it into your laptop bag when traveling, which makes it easy to expand your connection options almost anywhere you need to. It's perfect for connecting common USB devices such as a mouse, keyboard, or flash drive, right when you need them.

    Bus-powered design makes travel hassle free

    This versatile hub features a built-in USB cable and is bus-powered, so it draws its power directly from your computer's USB port. This means there are fewer cables to carry with you when you travel because it doesn't need an external power adapter.

    Convenient port access

    With all four USB 2.0 ports on one side, this hub makes it easier to access ports to connect or disconnect devices.

    Universally supported, for easy installation

    This universal USB 2.0 hub will work with a wide range of computers, because it requires no additional software or drivers. It installs automatically when you connect it to your laptop or desktop, so you can be up and running quickly. It also works with a range of operating systems such as Windows , Mac, Linux and Chrome OS, so it's multi-platform compatible.

    The ST4200MINI2 is backed by a 2-year warranty and free lifetime technical support.

    Brand: StarTech, Model: ST4200MINI2

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