Easily add 3 FireWire ports to your desktop computer
PC and Mac compatible;Standard and low profile bracket included
High speed data transfer rates of up to 400 Mbits/sec.
Hot swap capabilities allows you to connect or disconnect devices without turning off your computer
An internal connector allows for the easy connection of internal FireWire peripherals
.Card should be plug and play with no driver needed. This card is compatible with windows 7 and should be plug and play
Add 4 FireWire ports to a desktop computer through a PCI slot - This 4 Port (3 External/1 Internal) PCI 1394 FireWire Adapter Card lets you connect iPods, MP3 players, portable drives, digital camcorders and more to your desktop computer. The FireWire adapter card supports hot-swapping, so you'll be able to plug, unplug, and swap your FireWire peripherals with ease. Guaranteed to work with both PCs and Macs, the 4 port PCI FireWire Adapter Card is backed by StarTech.com's Lifetime Warranty and FREE LIFETIME tech support. Plus, the adapter provides both standard profile and low profile/half-height brackets for adapting to slimline or small form factor system applications. Please Note: If you require digital video editing software, StarTech.com offers a complete FireWire kit with our PCI1394_4 card. This software is compatible with Windows operating systems only. WHQL Certified - Designed to work with Microsoft Windows XP Brand: StarTech, Model: PCI1394MP, Size: FireWire Card Adapter
Custom Tab 01
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