Extends your 5-pin USB IDC Motherboard Header Cable length by 18 inches
Reduces strain and eliminates stress on the Rear USB Expansion boards, or Front Panel USB Ports, as well Expansion Card and Motherboard port connections
Backed by StarTech.com lifetime warranty
18in extension cable
Uses standard USB 2.0 pinout and color assignments
The USBINT5PINMF 18-inch internal USB IDC Motherboard Header Extension Cable, extends the reach of an existing 5-pin USB Motherboard Header Cable by 18 inches. The added length makes it easier to connect multi-function front panels or any device that relies on internal USB ports, directly to a motherboard or expansion card that features a USB IDC (Header) connection; this eliminates the need to stretch cables by ensuring the connection you need is within reach, which then removes strain on motherboard connections. Constructed of high quality materials and expertly constructed for durable performance, the 18in Internal IDC USB 5-pin Motherboard Header Cable is backed by StarTech.com's Lifetime Warranty. Brand: StarTech, Model: USBINT5PINMF, Color: Black
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