The high performing single chip design optimizes speed, reliability, and power while reducing CPU load by as much as 48%
Compatible with both 34mm and 54mm ExpressCard slots; includes a slot spacer for greater security while installed in 54mm slots
Supports high performance 16C950 UART with baud rates up to 115.2Kbps and backwards compatible with 16C550 UART
ExpressCard 34mm and 54mm (with included adapter) Form Factor
Single chip design optimizes speed, reliability and power
Fully compliant with Express Card 1.0 Specifications
Supports ASPM (L0S, L1) Link power management
Automated in & out-of-band flow control
The EC1S952 1 Port Native ExpressCard RS232 Serial Adapter Card with 16950 UART lets you add an RS232 serial port to your laptop or ExpressCard-equipped desktop computer. The serial ExpressCard is designed based on a single-chip architecture (as opposed to cards that use a "bridge chip"), providing native PCI Express communication for greater performance and reliability by reducing the CPU load by up to 48%, and lowering power consumption. An included stabilizer bracket allows the EC1S952 to fit snugly in both 34mm and 54mm ExpressCard slots. Providing optimal communication with RS232 serial devices, this ExpressCard serial card supports baud rates of up to 115.2Kbps and features a 128-byte FIFO buffer, plus a high performance 16C950 UART. Backed by a lifetime warranty and free lifetime technical support. Brand: StarTech, Model: EC1S952
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