Staino Tooth Stain Eraser (2 tips per unit)

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  • Now, the very same tooth stain removing rubber polishing tips that dentists have used successfully for more than 40 years are available for at-home and on-the-go use
  • Safely removes stains from tooth surfaces commonly caused by tobacco, coffee, red-wine and cola with Staino's dual-ended Tooth Stain Eraser
  • With Staino Whitening Technology
  • Scientifically Proven Safe Tooth Stain Eraser

  • "Like A Pencil Eraser For Tooth Stains!"

    Now, the very same tooth stain removing rubber polishing tips that dentists have used successfully for more than 40 years are available for at-home and on-the-go use. Safely remove stains from tooth surfaces commonly caused by tobacco, coffee, red wine and cola with StaiNo's dual-ended Tooth Stain Eraser.

    Using light pressure and an erasing action rub tip on stained areas. Surface stains should come off easily.


    Discard erasers before cleaning tips wear to metal posts. Internal stains cannot be erased. See your dentist.

    Brand: Staino, Model: 1655

    Custom Tab 01

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