HIGH-QUALITY FELT-TIP PEN - For countless drawing options and high efficiency, STABILO Pen 68 is going to be your new best coloring friend.
COLOR-INTENSIVE, ODOURLESS, WATER-BASED - This premium felt-tip pen is color-intensive for strong lines and large areas. It has water-based odourless ink, with high brilliance and luminosity.
EVEN INK APPLICATION - The pen offers a robust M-tip (line width approx. 1mm) for even ink application that can be perfectly used for bold lines and large areas.
24-HOUR CAP-OFF TIME - You can leave the cap off for up to 24 hours without compromising the integrity of the ink and tip.
AVAILABLE IN 47 DIFFERENT COLORS - Start coloring now in a whopping range of 41 colors plus 6 fluorescent shades.
With their sturdy bullet tips and brilliant, intense colors, these fiber tip pens are perfect for layout detail and sketching. The odorless water-based ink will not bleed. It also will not dissolve toner or ink of permanent markers. Pens can be left without their cap for 24 hours without drying out. These sets include a variety of vibrant colors in convenient metal tins. The set of 46 contains 50 pens; one each in 42 colors and two each in 4 colors (black, carmine, ultramarine, green). Brand: Stabilo, Model: 736309, Color: Multicolored, Size: 30
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