Spy Gear Spy Video TRAKR

Spy Gear
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  • The most intelligent RC vehicle ever
  • Color video and sound let you see and hear all the action
  • Built-in apps include Cyborg Vision, Night Vision, and Path Mapper

  • Add high-tech sophistication to your spying games with the Spy Video TRAKR. This remote-controlled robot lets you record video with as much secrecy as possible. It transmits video to the full-color screen on the remote control for viewing in real time. For more advanced spying, TRAKR can run specialized apps for even better functionality, and it can store video on a memory card (sold separately) for uploading to your computer. Recommended for spies ages eight and older, TRAKR offers hours of high-tech sleuthing fun.

    Spy Video TRAKR Ages: 8 years and up Requirements: 10 AA batteries; small Phillips head screwdriver for battery installation; personal computer for downloading apps and uploading video
    What We Think Fun factor: Durability: Ease of assembly: Educational factor: Novelty factor: The Good: Handheld remote and full-color screen allow you to watch subjects in real time The Challenging: Keep an eye on the TRAKR's path to make sure it avoids puddles and other un-recommended terrain In a Nutshell: A sophisticated RC spy toy for any budding sleuth
    Watch video in real time with the handheld remote's color video screen. View larger.
    Access additional apps with your internet connection and the included USB cable. View larger.
    Stealthy Surveillance on Wheels For covert operation, the Spy Video TRAKR camera rolls close to the ground on four wheels that have special stealth treads. Equipped with an antenna, microphone, adjustable video lens, and speaker, TRAKR makes it easy to observe your suspects.

    While the TRAKR is equipped with stealth treads for easy mobility, it is not designed for travel through sand, water, or snow. Avoid puddles and stick to paved or clean surfaces to ensure lasting operation.

    The TRAKR records your young sleuth's evidence! View larger.
    Remote Control with Real-Time Video Playback It's easy to maneuver the TRAKR robot with the handheld remote, which has dual toggling controllers and an easy-access "go" button. The remote's greatest feature, however, is its color video screen. TRAKR transmits video of your suspects back to the remote control in real time, letting you in on the action immediately. Additionally, a front-located speaker lets you listen in on top-secret conversations.

    Plug In for Advanced Spying You can run TRAKR in normal mode or take advantage of its preloaded apps for more advanced functionality. TRAKR is loaded with a night vision app for performing video surveillance in the dark. Additionally, a preprogrammed mapping app lets you send your TRAKR on a predetermined path. TRAKR is also loaded with a cyborg vision app, which lets you monitor your suspects using a speedometer, a spy compass, and crosshairs.

    Use the included USB cable to download additional apps to your TRAKR from the Spy Gear Web site, where you can also design custom apps of your own.

    Record Your Evidence If you need to keep a record of your evidence, Spy Video TRAKR can store pictures and video with a standard memory card (sold separately). TRAKR comes with a USB cable for uploading video and downloading applications--it is compatible with Mac (OSX), Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7) and Linux computers.

    The Spy TRAKR requires 10 AA batteries and a small Phillips head screwdriver for battery installation.

    What's in the Box Spy Video TRAKR, remote control, USB cable, instruction guide.

    Brand: Spy Gear, Model: 70337

    Custom Tab 01

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