Toysmith Mini Spiral Glitter Wands (6.5 Inches) Complete Gift Set Party Bundle - 6 Pack (Assorted)

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  • Set Includes All 6 Different Toysmith Mini Spiral Glitter Wands (6.5 Inches) - Colors May Vary!
  • The perfect mini wand for a wise wizard or magical fairy, the glitter wand is a visual treat that provides hours of fun, imaginative play.
  • Constructed of tough, clear plastic, the glitter wand is filled with swirling color and bright specks of glitter that dance and swirl with every move.
  • Perfect for travel, party favors, giveaways, schools, organizations, stocking stuffers & so much more!
  • For Ages 5 and up - Mini Wands Measure 6.5" in Length

  • Toysmith Mini Spiral Glitter Wands (6.5 Inches) Complete Gift Set Party Bundle - 6 Pack (Assorted). The perfect wand for a wise wizard or magical fairy, the glitter wand is a visual treat that provides hours of fun, imaginative play. Constructed of tough, clear plastic, the glitter wand is filled with swirling color and bright specks of glitter that dance and swirl with every move. Perfect for travel, party favors, giveaways, schools, organizations, stocking stuffers & so much more! For Ages 5 and up - Mini Wands Measure 6.5" in Length.
    Brand: Toysmith

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