Snuggle Exhilarations Fabric Conditioner Dryer Sheets, Island Hibiscus & Rainflower, 70 Count

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Brand Snuggle
Model 10072613460974
Size 70 Count

  • Brighten your day with Island Hibiscus & Rainflower scent, a delightful combination of soft white florals, bright hibiscus notes and lush lotus flowers blended with juicy tropical fruits.
  • In addition to using in the dryer to make your clothes feel softer, fabric Conditioner sheets can also be used in a variety of places like closets, gym bags, suitcases, and cars to make them smell fresh.
  • For long-lasting freshness and static reduction, add a Snuggle brand dryer sheet to every load you dry. Place the sheet on top of wet clothes and start the dryer cycle as usual. Discard after use.
  • Safe for standard and HE washing machines.
  • Includes one box of 70 dryer sheets.

  • Brighten your day with Island Hibiscus & Rainflower scent, a delightful combination of soft white florals, bright hibiscus notes and lush lotus flowers blended with juicy tropical fruits. In addition to using in the dryer to make your clothes feel softer, fabric Conditioner sheets can also be used in a variety of places like closets, gym bags, suitcases, and cars to make them smell fresh. For long-lasting freshness and static reduction, add a Snuggle brand dryer sheet to every load you dry. Place the sheet on top of wet clothes and start the dryer cycle as usual. Discard after use. Safe for standard and HE washing machines. Includes one box of 70 dryer sheets.

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