SMART PITCHER Espresso Coffee Milk Frothing Pitcher With Built-In Thermometer, Stainless Steel (20 oz)

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  • Smart Pitcher has a built-in thermometer, Thermo-Indicator, on the side of the jug that indicates the temperature with a colour coded system.
  • The Smart Pitcher is designed to ensure you achieve the optimum milk temperature every time
  • Smart Pitcher thermo chromic decal (thermo-indicator) consists of micro indicating capsules.
  • It removes the need for a thermometer or over steaming with 'hand-feel'
  • The Thermo-Indicator is extremely durable for long-term use. Youtube :

  • Youtube : The Smart Pitcher is designed to ensure you achieve the optimum milk temperature every time. It removes the need for a thermometer or over steaming with 'hand-feel'. -HOW DOES IT WORK- Smart Pitcher has a built-in thermometer, Thermo-Indicator, on the side of the jug that indicates the temperature with a colour coded system. The Thermo-Indicator is extremely durable for long-term use. -HOW TO USE- 1.Pour the milk into Smart Pitcher. 2.Place Smart Pitcher on steam nozzle. 3.Stop steaming when the Thermo-Indicater reaches the colour of the temperature you want. 4.The colour of Thermo-Indicator will go back to the original colour after washing the jug. -About Thermo-Indicator Temperature- 35/ 95 Color Change: It is time to stop introducing air for perfect velvet milk 60/ 140 Color Change : Optimal temperature for sweetness anddeliciousness. 65/ 149 Color Change : Optimal temperature for sweetness anddeliciousness. 70/ 158 Color Change : You take the risk of scalding the milk and losing all the delicious flavor that you have created -CARING FOR YOUR SMART PITCHER- Smart Pitcher thermo chromic decal (thermo-indicator) consists of micro indicating capsules. These capsules can be damaged if exposed to ultraviolet rays, high pressure, microwaves, and high temperature (greater than 70°C). Dishwasher safe. When used as directed Smart Pitcher thermo-indicator will last over a year. -CAUTION- DO NOT use in oven, on stove stop or in microwave. DO NOT wash in acidic or caustic cleaner. DO NOT scratch thermo-indicator.
    Brand: SMART PITCHER, Model: SP600, Color: Silver, Size: 20 oz

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