90 percent of users agree that their makeup looked "as good at the end of the day as the moment it was applied"
94 percent of users agree the makeup finishing spray gave their makeup a "healthy and natural glow"
Proven to reduce makeup from settling into pores, fine lines, and wrinkles
Guaranteed fewer touch-ups throughout the day
Our patented temperature control technology keeps the makeup surface cool to avoid melting or sliding. Applies as a lightweight, breathable mist to set liquid and powder makeup and holds your makeup in place for up to 16 hours
The finishing spray that set the standard. This ultra-fine mist will keep your makeup looking fresh and flawless for up to 16 hours. Our weightless formula prevents fading and meltdown, even in frigid temps and sweltering summer months. Recommended for all skin types. Brand: Skindinavia, Size: 8 Fluid Ounce
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