Color, bake and shrink peace signs, hearts, smiley faces and more
Make far out charms, necklaces and earrings and hang them from a peace sign shaped holder
Includes 30 Shrinky Dinks, jewelry holder, brooch, beads, pencils, chain bracelet, rings, bracelet loop, jewelry findings, cord and beading needle
Recommended for children 5 years of age and older
Shrinky Dinks Peace and Love is a groovy way to spend a day indoors! Color, bake and shrink hip symbols like rainbows, a lava lamp, yin yangs and more. Make far out charms, necklaces and earrings and hang them from a peace sign shaped holder. Shrinky Dinks sheets are made of a special thin, flexible plastic which, when heated in an oven, shrink and harden without altering their color or shape. We precut all the fun shapes in every one of our kits to make them easy to work with! Includes 30 preprinted and precut Shrinky Dinks, 2 piece jewelry holder, brooch pin, 0.5oz. of beads, 8 colored pencils, chain bracelet, 2 rings, bracelet loop, 31 jewelry findings, 24in. satin cord, 40in. elastic cord, beading needle and easy instructions. Recommended for children 5 years of age and older. Brand: Shrinky Dinks, Model: 396P
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