Sesame Street Framed Friends Travel/Folding Potty Seat

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  • Sesame Characters
  • NO HASSLE USE: The Sesame Street Framed Friends Folding Potty Seat is a no hassle fix to help your child use the restroom in any situation. It's easy to use: Simply place it on top of the adult toilet seat and pack it up when you're done. Plus, the single-piece plastic body makes cleaning a breeze.
  • Easy to clean, fold, pack and go
  • Fits regular toilets

  • Our Framed Friends Folding Potty Seat was created with nearly all types of toilets in mind. Whether your child is using the restroom in your home or a public setting, it fits over all regular and elongated toilet seats. Whether you're travelling to visit grandma and grandpa or going on a road trip to the park, our Framed Friends Folding Potty Seat is perfect for your child's away-from-home bathroom needs. It's lightweight, fits in most diaper and travel bags (including the one it comes with), and is easy to unpack and apply to toilet seats. Plus, it's easy to clean. It's time to make using the potty fun!
    Brand: Ginsey, Model: 69061, Color: Sesame Street - Framed Friends, Size: One Size

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