Fisher-Price Learn-to-Flush Potty

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  • Provides realistic toilet elements mixed with fun rewards and encouragement
  • Pretend water twirls around to a real flushing sound
  • Toddlers are rewarded with fun lights and sounds
  • Removable potty ring can be used on an adult toilet
  • Easy to clean

  • Fisher-Price Learn-to-Flush Potty

    The Fisher-Price Learn-to-Flush Potty is full of potty training fun with lights and rewards! When baby flushes the potty, sounds and musical ditties build potty training confidence, while exciting lights and “twirling water” action reward potty training successes. As baby grows, remove the potty ring for use on a regular toilet seat. Bowl removes for easy clean-up. Includes a splash guard for boys.

    Potty training is easy for mom and fun for kids with the Fisher-Price Learn-to-Flush Potty! View largerThe Fisher-Price Learn-to-Flush Potty promotes your child's gross motor skills as they practice getting on and off of the potty, while building potty training confidence. View larger“Flush” for rewarding potty sounds, musical ditties, lights, and “twirling water” action. View largerHelp baby build potty training confidence with the fun lights and sounds of the Fisher-Price Learn-to-Flush Potty. View largerAs baby grows, remove the potty ring for use on a regular toilet seat. Bowl removes for easy clean-up. Includes a splash guard for boys. View largerFisher-Price Learn-to-Flush Potty has handles that help toddlers feel secure. A built in splash guard helps prevent messes and the potty's smooth contours make it easy to clean. View larger

    Potty training is easy for mom and fun for kids with the Fisher-Price Learn-to-Flush Potty! Your little one will learn to flush his very own potty, with rewarding lights, sounds, and swirling water action – just like a real potty. As your child transitions to the adult toilet, the Learn-to-Flush Potty grows with him. The removable potty ring can be used on the adult toilet seat and has handles that help toddlers feel secure. A built in splash guard helps prevent messes and the potty's smooth contours make it easy to clean. Help baby build potty training confidence with the fun lights and sounds of the Fisher-Price Learn-to-Flush Potty.

  • Potty training fun with lights and musical rewards
  • “Flush” for rewarding potty sounds, musical ditties, lights, and “twirling water” action
  • Grows with baby! Includes a removable potty ring for use on a regular toilet seat
  • Bowl removes for easy clean-up
  • Handles on potty ring help toddlers feel secure
  • Includes splash guard for boys

  • Brand: Fisher-Price, Model: X7306, Color: Blue White, Size: NO SIZE

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