Scunci No-slip Grip Basic Cover Hinge Jaw Clips, 2 Count, Colors May Vary

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  • No slip grip technology holds styles on any hair type
  • Interlocking teeth for secure grip
  • Ideal for tousled casual styles or quick updos
  • Sections hair while cutting or styling
  • 2 pack in neutral shades complements any hair color

  • With scunci no-slip grip hair accessories a woman should never have a bad hair day. scunci no-slip hinge jaw clips are your hidden secret for secure all-day hold. this clip is strong enough to hold a head of thick hair in an updo, but petite enough to throw into your purse. can be used to section hair and keep it in place for curling, styling or drying. interlocking spring-hinged jaws with no-slip grip technology have undercover hardware and hold tight to prevent strays and fallout strands. no one will ever find an out-of-place hair when it's in the clutches of this hinged jaw clip. basic shades complement any hair color.
    Brand: Scunci, Model: 3676901Z048

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