Saris Bones 2 Bike Trunk Rack, Black

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Brand Saris
Model 805BL
Color Black
Size 2-Bike

  • Injection -molded arms and legs are the strongest on the market
  • Built with 100% recyclable, non-rusting materials
  • Ratcheting hold downs are easy to adjust
  • Carries 2 bikes (35lbs/bike)

  • With ratchet straps that keep your bike secure to the rack arms, exclusive anti-sways and articulated rubber feet to protect the finish on your vehicle, bones ensures that nothing gets damaged in transport. The vinyl-coated hooks strap securely to the car with spring-buckles, which makes installing bones quick and easy. The arched design fits practically any vehicle-from sedans to mini-vans-even most Cars with a spoiler. And because it's a trunk-mounted rack, your bikes are accessible and easy to put in place. No overhead lifting, twisting, balancing or hefting required, so you can save your energy for the ride. Constructed from heavy-duty, 100% recyclable plastic, bones is the strongest rack on the market. Injection-molded arms and legs will never rust and can support up to three bikes with ease, separating them on different levels for the ultimate assurance that they won't rub or touch during transport. All of saris' racks are built in madison, wi. Covered by a limited lifetime warranty.

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