ONIVA - a Picnic Time brand Picnic Time Caliente Portable BBQ Grill/Cooler Set

ONIVA - a Picnic Time brand
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  • Caliente Portable BBQ Grill/Cooler all-in-one by Oniva, a Picnic Time brand
  • Comes in a water resistant cooler that will hold 6 standard cans
  • Includes a 10-inch round portable charcoal barbecue grill with enameled fire bowl and chrome plated grates
  • Shoulder strap and carry handle for easy transport and handy exterior pocket
  • Measures 12 by 12 by 8.25 inches; Backed by the Picnic Time Family of Brands BUILT TO LAST Lifetime Guarantee

  • The Caliente by Oniva, a Picnic Time brand, features a compact and convenient portable charcoal BBQ grill in a carrying tote that doubles as a cooler. The Caliente features a 10-inch round portable charcoal barbecue grill with enameled fire bowl and chrome-plated grates, a durable black and gray polyester carry tote with a water-resistant cooler that holds six 12-ounce cans. The handy shoulder strap and sturdy, form-fitted carry handle allow for easy transport, and a pocket on the cooler exterior provides extra storage. The Caliente makes a great gift! Measures 12 by 12 by 8.25 inches. Backed by the Picnic Time Family of Brands BUILT TO LAST Lifetime Guarantee.
    Brand: ONIVA - a Picnic Time brand, Model: 771-00-175-000-0, Color: Black, Size: One Size

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