Rosle Stainless Steel Can Opener with Pliers Grip, 7-inch

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  • Operates from the top of the can instead of the side, slides on easy and ready to turn
  • Durable and Hygienic: Cutting mechanism is completely sealed and will not come in contact with food
  • Ergonomically shaped thumb-screw for smooth and effortless turning
  • Lateral cutting leaves no sharp edges that can cut fingers, lids can be placed back on the can for short them storage
  • Integrated pliers to pull up sticky lids

  • Since 1888 family owned Rosle has been steadily producing the best tools and utensils in the world, from their home in the Bavaria region of Germany. Each Rosle product joins design and function in perfect harmony. 18/10 stainless steel is used in production providing a professional utensil that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but hygienic, neutral to flavors and odors and easy to clean. During the development phase - which lasts from 1 to 2 years on average - each product goes through a trial period where it is critically evaluated by cooking schools and professional chefs. During production, Rosle utensils go through an elaborate manufacturing processes and only leave our premises after passing strict quality control. Professional and home chefs alike sing the praise of this integrated collection, widely recognized as the best on the market. With German design and unrivaled material, Rosle continues to receive prestigious design prizes and a growing list of awards.
    Brand: Rosle, Model: 12757, Color: Silver

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