Roll-N-Cut Flexible Magnetic Tape Refill - 1/16 thick x 1/2 wide x 15 feet. (1 roll)

Small Parts
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  • Magnet designed to hold on one side only directly to flat steel surface. Multiple Poles are evenly spread across its surface to prevent sliding. It does not hold well to other magnets.
  • Magnet holds up to 6 pounds per linear foot on contact with flat, smooth ferrous steel, without layer of material between magnet and steel. Minimum recommended length for magnet is 2"
  • Adhesive covered by peel-off liner is on non-magnetic side. Adhesive is pressure-activated, permanent, acrylic type with initial tack and minimum of 24 hour cure time requirement.
  • Adhesive bonds to clean, smooth and uniform surfaces made of paper, wood, stainless steel, painted steel, aluminum, glass, and rigid plastics. For best results see full product description.
  • Magnet withstands temperatures from 0-150 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Perfect for making flat lightweight items magnetic. Magnet requires direct and full contact with steel for maximum hold, therefore it is best to make sure that magnet is flat. Magnet & adhesive work best when applied at above 60 degrees Fahrenheit or 15.56 degree Celsius. For best results: 1)Allow magnet to reach room temperature then cut magnet with heavy duty scissors or hobby knife. 2)Apply magnet's dark gray side to large metal surface for several hours to flatten curl. Do not roll magnet strip in opposite direction to remove curl. 3)Clean applicable surface for adhesive with isopropyl alcohol and allow to dry. 4)Peel back liner from the adhesive and place item on adhesive. 5)Apply adhesive to surface with firm pressure 6)Allow adhesive to cure for a minimum of 24 hours or 72 hours to reach maximum bond with surface.
    Brand: Small Parts, Model: 07518

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