GREAT FOR THE FOLLICLES: Regenepure DR is an anti DHT shampoo that contains powerful ingredients that work to remove the DHT build up, sebum, and toxins from the scalp and follicles to make way for new growth.
QUALITY INGREDIENTS: Regenepure NT is made with high quality hair and scalp stimulating ingredients like Lecithin, Caffeine, and Saw Palmetto extract. These ingredients cleanse the scalp while promoting future healthy hair growth.
DRY SCALP RELIEF: Regenepure DR helps to reduce flaking. Your scalp and your confidence will thank you.
WHAT YOU GET: You will receive several Regenepure products including the DR Shampoo and the NT Shampoo. Use in combination for optimal results.
THE REGENEPURE LINE: The versatile line of Regenepure products can be used in a variety of combinations to cater to everyone's individual hair types. Whether your hair is average/normal, oily, dry, or a combination of the two, we have the recommended treatment just for you.
Regenepure, a Miami-based professional hair products specialist, is comprised of physicians, salon experts, fashion models, and medical spa owners working together to formulate some of the highest quality shampoo and hair care products for the scalp and hair. We've combined our decades of knowledge and expertise, and listened closely to the concerns of consumers, to create innovative products that support and promote hair health and growth. Brand: Regenepure, Size: 2x 224ml
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