Rainbow Research Henna Hair Color and Conditioner, Persian Brown Chestnut, 4 Ounce

Rainbow Research
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  • Rainbow research henna hair color and conditioner persian medium brown chestnut
  • Rainbow henna has no additives, chemicals, or pesticides
  • Rainbow henna coats each hair shaft with color

  • History of Henna

    Secrets of beauty have been cherished throughout the ages. One of the oldest beautifiers known is Henna. Famous beauties such as Nefertiti and Cleopatra used Henna to enhance their hair coloring. Silent film stars Theca Bara and Clara Bow colored their hair with Henna to add to their mystery. Today, Henna is used by women and men who understand how to be naturally beautiful.

    Rainbow Henna

    Rainbow Henna has no additives, chemicals, or pesticides. Rainbow Henna coats each hair shaft with color. Blends naturally. Fades gradually. Lasts 4-6 weeks. Smooths and seals the hair's cuticle for greater shine and body. Our custom-tailored recipes can be used for special effects, covering grey, and improving texture.

    Rainbow Henna has no additives, chemicals, or pesticides. Rainbow Henna coats each hair shaft with color. Blends naturally. Fades gradually. Lasts 4-6 weeks. Smooths and seals the hair's cuticle for greater shine and body. Our custom-tailored recipes can be used for special effects, covering grey, and improving texture.

    Note: Henna has no lightening action.

    Ingredients: Laws onia Interims (Red Henna), Indigofereae (Black Henna)

    Brand: Rainbow Research, Model: HEN40004, Color: Medium Brown, Size: 4 oz

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